20 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

'Madina Lake - True Love' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' 'Cause you were desperate and pathetic
But just as beautiful to me as the day you left
And I became just a memory

Let me go, let me live
Just leave me to lay buried here next to love on my own
I'll never trust, never feel, never love again
With just this bitter taste in mind
They always say true love is all you need
But when true love is gone can we go on?
They say true love would never leave

But my true love is gone and I can't go on

Now it's two am and I'm picturing the way things used to be
But all I see is you looking at him like you used to look at me

They always say true love is all you need
But when true love is gone can we go on?
They say true love would never leave
But my true love is gone and I can't go on
I can't go on

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