5 Ekim 2014 Pazar

'Matisyahu - Got No Water' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' You quench my thirsting soul and you fill my appetite
I give myself to you because you treat me right
Put my trust in the world and the world gets tight
Shift my trust to you it's like a crystal clear night
Expand in all directions get the sections to unite
Hashem's rays fire blaze light my way light of my life

And these days well wait no longer night
I'm reaching for my God like skyscrapers in the night
I said I know its hard inside is empty galus (exile) cuts like a knife
Internalize torah vibes bound to feel alright

Whirlwind of praise from below to above
Take flight in the sky got wings like a dove,
We Soaring to shamayim (heaven) where the angels call in love
And the glory of Hashem fits like a glove

Hashem rules the world and Israel is his wife

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